LACERA is entrusted to produce, protect, and provide the promised benefits to the employees of Los Angeles County and their beneficiaries. We are dedicated to upholding that trust, which is why LACERA holds its board members, management, staff, and business partners to the highest ethical standards. These standards, which are based on legal and fiduciary concepts, are outlined in the following materials.
For actuarial and financial information, see our Annual Reports. For our latest investment and fund reports, see Fund Reports.
Code of Ethical Conduct
All Board and staff members are required to follow the Code of Ethical Conduct. The code’s purpose is to ensure the proper administration of LACERA and to foster public confidence in LACERA’s institutional integrity as a well-managed public pension system.
Conflict of Interest Code
LACERA’s Conflict of Interest Code requires designated organizational officials, employees, and consultants of LACERA to disclosure certain economic interests, business positions, investments, income, and/or gifts.
Administrative Documents
Board of Retirement Administrative Documents
Administrative Appeal Procedure: Matters Related to Retirement Benefits
Administrative Appeals Procedures for Felony Forfeiture
Disability Retirement Application When the Member Has Been Terminated for Cause
Disability Retirement Step by Step Guide
FPPC Form 806 Agency Report of: Public Official Appointments
Board of Investments Administrative Documents
Chief Counsel Reporting and Performance Evaluation
CIO Reporting and Performance Evaluation Policy
Board of Retirement
Acceptable Employer Payroll Records Policy
Disability Policies & Procedures
Deductions for Dues from Retiree Warrants
Educational Requirements Policy
Ex Parte Communications on Disability Retirement Matters