LACERA’s healthcare benefits program offers a variety of medical and dental/vision healthcare plans for retired members and their eligible dependents. Over 54,000 retirees and survivors are currently enrolled in a LACERA-administered health plan.
Your County medical and dental/vision coverage will not continue after retirement. You must enroll in a LACERA-administered health plan within 60 days of your retirement date or the date that your name appears on the Board of Retirement agenda, whichever is later, or be subject to late enrollment rules.
Our Retiree Healthcare Division manages the benefits program. It contracts with providers of indemnity, HMO, and Medicare Supplement plans to ensure that retirees can choose the plan that works best for them and their families.
Program Tiers
Your healthcare program tier depends on your hire date.
- The Retiree Healthcare Benefits Program (Tier 1) is for County employees with a hire date through June 30, 2014.
- On June 17, 2014, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors (County) authorized the L.A. County Retiree Healthcare Benefits Program (Tier 2). The Tier 2 healthcare program is for County employees with a hire date on or after July 1, 2014.

Tier 2 plan provisions are mostly the same as Tier 1, with the following major differences: the County subsidy is based on retiree-only coverage, and Medicare-eligible members are required to enroll in Medicare and a LACERA-administered Medicare healthcare plan. Any differences in the Tier 1 and Tier 2 programs are noted where applicable throughout the informational sections.
Your benefits and costs may vary depending on your program tier. Review the provided web sections for program details or refer to the Exploring Your Retiree Healthcare Benefits guide—and be sure to contact us with any questions.