Our comprehensive videos offer useful benefits and retiree healthcare information for all career and life stages to assist with your retirement journey. Select a tile from the retirement library below to begin watching.
For all members: Welcome to the Los Angeles County Employees Retirement Association, (LACERA). This video introduces who we are and why our mission is so important to our members.
Retirement Options
For members about to retire: When you retire, you have six options for how your allowance is distributed to you. These options are designed to offer flexibility and address the needs of various lifestyle and family situations.

Provides the highest monthly retirement allowance and a fixed eligible survivor allowance percentage

Unmodified Plus
Provides a reduced monthly retirement allowance and a customizable eligible survivor allowance percentage

Option 1
Provides a reduced monthly retirement allowance and a lump-sum beneficiary payment of member contributions

Option 4
Provides a reduced monthly retirement allowance and a fixed beneficiary percentage or dollar amount
Retiree Healthcare
For members within five years of retirement: Familiarize yourself with available medical, dental, vision and Medicare plans. We’ll also walk through the enrollment process, and how our healthcare offerings best serve you.