Calling All Candidates

Election time is approaching!
Elections will be held this summer to fill the seats of the Eighth Member of the Board of Investments and the Eighth Member and Alternate Retired Member of the Board of Retirement. (The current terms of office for these seats expire on December 31, 2023.)
Interested in Running?
To be eligible, you need to be a Retired Member of LACERA on or before April 15, 2023. You can obtain a nomination packet from the Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk by contacting the Election Planning Section at 562- 462-2317, or via email at beginning on May 22, 2023, and no later than 5:00 p.m. on June 20, 2023. For further information on the candidate filing process, contact the Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk’s Election Planning Section at 562-462-2317.
Retired Members of LACERA who were Retired Members on or before April 15, 2023, will be eligible to vote in this election. Retired Member voters will be able to cast their votes online, by telephone, or by paper ballot. If there are candidates for this election, the election will be held August 4, 2023, to August 31, 2023. Paper ballots are scheduled to be mailed to all voters on August 2, 2023. The online and telephonic voting system will be available 24 hours a day, seven days a week beginning on August 4, 2023, through August 31, 2023. Also, on August 4, 2023, eligible Retired Members who have a valid email address on file with LACERA will be emailed login credentials and voting instructions to their email address.
Eligible voters who do not have an email address or are identified as having an invalid email address will receive login credentials and voter information with their paper ballots.
Please call 800-786-6464 for general information regarding this election.