Retiring Trustee Keith Knox Recognized for His Service to LACERA Members

As of March 13, 2024, Trustee Keith Knox has retired as L.A. County Treasurer and Tax Collector and, therefore, his ex-officio trustee positions on LACERA’s Boards of Retirement and Investments. Mr. Knox has served on LACERA’s boards since 2015—first as acting ex-officio before being officially instated as County Treasurer and Tax Collector and LACERA ex-officio trustee in 2020. His leadership, insight, expertise, and engagement will be greatly missed.
Among other contributions, Mr. Knox served as Board of Investments Chair (2021) and Vice Chair (2024); Audit Committee Vice Chair (2020 and 2023) and member (2021, 2022, and 2024); Joint Organizational Governance Committee Vice Chair (2020) and member (2021 and 2024); and Corporate Governance Chair (2023) and Vice Chair (2022). He also sat concurrent years on the Operations Oversight, Credit and Risk Mitigation, and Real Assets committees.