Welcome Back, Board Trustees

Congratulations to Trustees Alan Bernstein, Ronald Okum, and Gina Zapanta on their appointments and reappointment to the Boards for 2021 to 2023.
Mr. Bernstein has been appointed to the fourth seat on the Board of Retirement, where he is serving as the Board’s Chair. Mr. Bernstein serves on the Boards’ Audit Committee and Joint Organizational Governance Committee. In addition, Mr. Bernstein is concurrently serving on the Board of Investments.
Mr. Okum has been appointed to the sixth seat on the Board of Investments. He also currently serves on the Board of Retirement. Mr. Okum serves on many of the Boards’ committees, including the Audit Committee and Operations Oversight Committee.
Ms. Zapanta has been reappointed to the ninth seat on the Board of Retirement. She is serving as the Board of Retirement’s Secretary, and sits on the Disability Procedures and Services Committee.