If you have 30 years of service with LACERA, you may be eligible for cancellation of your member contributions. (Applies to legacy plans only; members of PEPRA Plans G and Safety C are ineligible for cancellation of contributions.)
Each month, LACERA confirms 30-year cancellation for eligible members and sends a notification letter to those who qualify. If eligible, your retirement plan contributions will stop, but you will continue to earn service credit for each month in which you have earnings. The County Employees Retirement Law (CERL) indicates different requirements for general and safety members, as provided under the Eligibility section and Service Credited Toward 30-Year Cancellation of Contributions table below.
- A general member must have been a LACERA or reciprocal member on or before March 7, 1973, and may include most types of service credit to meet the 30-year service requirement.
- A safety member has no membership date requirement and is limited to certain continuous County and deferred reciprocal service credit.
- For all plans, Additional Retirement Credit (ARC) does not count toward the 30-year cancellation.
See applicable service credit in the table below. If you have questions regarding your eligibility, contact us to speak with a Retirement Benefits Specialist.
Service Credited Toward 30-Year Cancellation
General Members
(CERL Section 31625.2)
Membership date requirement on or before March 7, 1973
- County service
- Redeposit of withdrawn contributions
- Temporary time
- Deferred reciprocal
- Vested prior County service
- Non-vested prior County service*
- Military
- Federal
- Other public agency
Safety Members
(CERL Section 31664)
- County service
- Redeposit of withdrawn contributions
- Temporary time
- Deferred reciprocal
- Vested prior County service
- Military**
- Federal**
- Other public agency**
*Only if contributions were left on deposit with LACERA.
**Only if the safety member was a member of LACERA or a reciprocal system on or before March 7, 1973, and purchased non-County service credit on or before October 9, 2003.