If you are a reciprocal member, the disability benefits you receive cannot exceed the benefit you would have received had your combined service been performed in one reciprocal system.
Each system adjusts its payment on a pro rata (proportional) basis to ensure the total of the reciprocal benefits paid to you does not exceed the highest benefit you would have been eligible to receive had your service been performed under one reciprocal system (the cap).
LACERA is required by CERL to pay its proportional share of the reciprocal disability retirement allowance. However, in accordance with the law, LACERA cannot pay an amount that allows a member’s total benefit from all reciprocal agencies to exceed the cap.
If LACERA must reduce its portion of your benefit payment, the total amount of the monthly benefit you receive from all of the reciprocal retirement systems, when added together, will equal the full amount you are legally entitled to receive.

If you are a reciprocal member who is granted a disability retirement, please contact us to speak to a Retirement Benefit Specialist regarding your specific circumstances.